Home Lifestyle An Omani volunteer’s journey of giving in Africa

An Omani volunteer’s journey of giving in Africa

An Omani volunteer’s journey of giving in Africa


Volunteering plays a crucial role in both individual lives and communities, fostering significant personal development and embodying the spirit of giving and sacrifice. Volunteers dedicate themselves to effecting positive change in others’ lives.

Nasr Al Hashmi is among the 25 Omani volunteers engaged in a four-day trip to Tanzania with a Malaysian organization.

He shared, “I discovered the organization through friends and colleagues involved in voluntary work. Joining was straightforward as the organization welcomes all, provided there’s genuine interest.”

Because of its voluntary nature, Al Hashmi said, “The volunteer covers his expenses of the trip, and the organization arranges the rest, provided that the person has values and ethics and is humble. Sometimes, they meet with people to understand their goals.”

He elaborated, “My journey to East Asia and Africa marks a series of trips. However, my focus now is on Africa, marking my inaugural experience in the continent.”

“Though Oman and the Gulf have robust support institutions, Africa’s dire circumstances warrant attention beyond basic aid, focusing on empowering individuals to manage their lives effectively,” he shared.

Al Hashmi emphasized the importance of charitable work, saying, “For me, people in Africa are more deserving of this charitable work. There are surely needy people in Oman and the Gulf, but we have institutions that oversee this matter and cover a lot. However, there are still some individuals who need workshops on how to manage their lives and finances better than just receiving donations.”

“While Africa does have resources and is a blessed continent for its natural beauty, there is still a lot that needs to be done when it comes to charitable institution structures. I also noticed that a lot of education in the country we visited is limited to teaching religious matters and they don’t have robust programming for important subjects like physics or chemistry. The development of society should come hand in hand with knowing the Quran by heart and this is what we seek to work with them. A quick Google search will clearly outline why Africa deserves all the support it can get,” Al Hashmi added.

Explaining his African volunteering choice, Al Hashmi cited compassion for impoverished Muslim communities and Africa’s untapped resource potential, advocating for sustainable impacts.

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“The situation in Africa is really difficult, especially for our Muslim brothers. One can say that some of the poorest places can be found in Africa despite its rich natural resources. Unfortunately, the blessings of these resources do not benefit the people,” he said.

“This volunteering job, the strongest reason for joining is the spirit of giving and offering relief. On top of this, I think any voluntary or charitable efforts should have a sustainable impact,” he said.

Reflecting on the campaign’s reception, Al Hashmi noted varied responses, from donations and interest to positive interactions during visits, highlighting the humbling experiences and valuable lessons gained.

“The reception has been varied but it’s great to know that there was a great interest and several people are participating through their donations. It is also amazing to see that some are taking action and are joining,” Al Hashmi said.

For him, the people of Africa that they visited are very humble and it was an inspiring interaction that taught the volunteers a lot of important values.

“The most profound and challenging lesson I learned was humility. I think humility is becoming less of a priority at a time when we are plagued with this disease called arrogance. Happiness always lies in giving. I also learned how to think of others and contribute to goodness always. I learned that gratitude to God should always be there, and I should never settle for what is good, but always strive to offer more, in addition to thinking of others,” Al Hashmi said.

What is most memorable for Al Hashmi is the opportunity to interact with young children from poverty-stricken areas.

“To see the children memorise the Quran and shyly respond to questions to know the extent of their knowledge, it was a very inspiring and heart-touching experience which allowed me to reflect on how I live my life,” he said.

Al Hashmi, a seasoned volunteer, shares valuable insights for those considering Africa as a volunteering destination. He emphasizes the importance of organization in maximizing the impact of aid efforts, citing the vast resources often underutilized due to lack of structure.



Contrary to popular belief, Al Hashmi highlights that Africa’s needs extend beyond basic amenities like wells, emphasizing the crucial role of intellectual development and organizational support. He advocates for a holistic approach, where volunteers engage in both temporary aid distribution and the establishment of sustainable educational and community infrastructure.

Describing a systematic approach, he outlines the creation of educational centres, mosques, libraries, bakeries, clinics, and more, sustained through careful investment for eventual self-sufficiency. Al Hashmi encourages others to adopt this model, emphasizing its capacity to foster self-reliance and empower local communities.

Reflecting on his journey, Al Hashmi attests to the profound personal growth and gratitude cultivated through volunteering, underscoring its transformative impact on both individuals and communities.


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